10 Sacred Piano Solos, Volume 3


10 Sacred Piano Solos, Volume 3 by Valerie Floeter contains more piano solos for use in church or home written in the same style as Volumes 1 and 2. 10 Sacred Piano Solos, Volume 3 contains the following titles –

Christ, the Word of God Incarnate (HOLY MANNA)
God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It ( BACHOFEN)
Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared  (DU LEBENSBROT, HERR JESU CHRIST)
Lord Jesus Christ, You Set Us Free (WIR DANKEN DIR, HERR JESU CHRIST)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (FOREST GREEN)
On My Heart Imprint Your Image (DER AM KREUZ)
Rest, O Christ, from All Your Labor (O MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBEN)
Silent Night! Holy Night (STILLE NACHT)
‘Twas on that Dark, that Doleful Night (ST. CROSS)
What Child Is This? (GREENSLEEVES)

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